Saturday, September 28, 2013

Salisbury Residents Shouldn't Complain About Comcast

As most of you know I have been spending quite a bit of time in Ocean City. Because I'm here so much I decided to go ahead and hook up cable TV at the house. The experience of doing such deserves to be posted.

When I was living in Downtown Salisbury I also used Comcast for my cable and Internet access. Not being a big TV viewer I simply ordered the basic package and was charged $19.95 a month. When I asked how many channels basic cable was they told me I'd get nine, I got over 100 when I got home and hooked it up. INTERESTING. They asked how many remotes I'd need and I said, two. They said they'd be $5.00 a month each. I said, excuse me! She replied, oh, that's right. Your only getting basic cable so it will be $ .50 cents a month instead. Now, does that make any sense to any of you?

Nevertheless, I called on Friday to order basic cable for Ocean City and I experienced going through three departments just to get Comcast. The first department asked me for my wants and needs. Then there was the credit department, (even though I had just cancelled my Salisbury cable) and then there was to order department. OK, so basic cable in Ocean City is $39.95 a month, not $19.95 a month. 

Then there's a $50.00 fee to have someone come out and install the line and the one that brought me over the top was when they said I'd be charged $14.95 to PROCESS the order. After I told them where they could shove the entire order they chose to immediately drop that particular fee. 

Over the years I have heard my fair share of complaints about Comcast in Salisbury but I think once you hear what Ocean City residents are being charged Salisbury residents might chill out a little bit. My total bill for Internet and Cable in Ocean City is $79.95 a month.

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